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Department Research Coordinator

As a Department Research Coordinator, you will have the following reports assigned to you.

Report Title: ePAF Approver Report

Report Folder: Employment Services

Description: This report shows ePAFs that have been submitted for your department, their current pending status, and where the ePAF is in the approval process. This includes all ePAF that fall within your departmental security, not limited to only those that you have approved.

If you select the ePAF Approver Report, and the Report Generator screen states “No data available for report” this indicates that all ePAF initiated for your department(s) have completed the approval process.

Report Title: Funding Change Approver Report

Report Folder: eForm Tracking

Description: This report shows Funding Distribution Change eForms that have been submitted for your department, their current pending status, and where the eForm is in the approval process.

Report Title: SCT Approver Report

Report Folder: eForm Tracking

Description: This report shows Salary Cost Transfer eForms that have been submitted for your department, their current pending status, and where the eForm is in the approval process.

If you select the SCT Approver Report, and the Report Generator screen states “No data available for report” this indicates that all Salary Cost Transfer eForms initiated for your department(s) have completed the approval process.

Report Title: Work Authorization Expiration

Report Folder: Employment Services

Description: This report includes your Alien Temporary employees, the date their work authorization expires, and the date their employment terminates (if applicable.) Please note that if the employee’s work authorization is not updated prior to expiration date or a termination ePAF has not been submitted for the employee prior to the I-9 expiration date listed, the employee will be manually terminated effective the day after the work authorization expires by the HR-Records Department.

If you select the Work Authorization Expiration report, and the Report Generator screen states “No data available for report” this indicates that you do not have any current employees that meet the mentioned criteria.

Report Title: Employee Data

Report Folder: Personnel Data

Description: Generates a list of birthdays, email addresses, and emergency contact details for employees within your area.

Report Title: Essential Personnel Report

Report Folder: Personnel Data

Description: The University of Central Florida (UCF) makes safety for our university community a top priority. When interruptions in normal university operations occur as a result of an emergency, the university will exercise efficient use of its resources to ensure the safety and welfare of the university community, continuity of key operations, and the protection of university property. This report includes the personnel who have been identified by their department director, dean, or chair to support Critical Personnel when normal operations have been suspended.

Report Title: Birthday Report

Report Folder: Personnel Data

Description: For internal use only, contains the birthday of employees within your area.

Report Title: FERPA Renewal Compliance

Report Folder: Personnel Data

Description: For employees who work with student records – such as class rosters, grades, or personal information – FERPA training is a requirement. In addition to a list of specific security roles with access to protected data, all faculty members must also complete the online course, SR FERPA Training – SR100W. This course must be completed every two years.

This report will show the employees within your security who are required to complete FERPA Training, and if they are up to date (In Compliance), have enrolled in a session but not yet completed the session (Enrolled) or if they need to enroll in and complete the course as soon as possible.

Report Title: CER013 – Code of Conduct

Report Folder: Training Compliance

Description: As part of UCF’s commitment to a safe and welcoming environment, there are several webcourses that new employees are required to take. This report will display new employees and their compliance with this requirement for the course UCF Employee Code of Conduct/Speak Up! Whistleblower Training (CER013) which must be completed within the first seven days of an employee’s start date.

Report Title: CER017 – Potential Conflicts

Report Folder: Training Compliance

Description: As part of UCF’s commitment to a safe and welcoming environment, there are several webcourses that new employees are required to take. This report will display new employees and their compliance with this requirement for the course Potential Conflicts – 2020 (CER017) which must be completed within the first thirty days of an employee’s start date.

Report Title: ISO001 – Information Security

Report Folder: Training Compliance

Description: As part of UCF’s commitment to a safe and welcoming environment, there are several webcourses that new employees are required to take. This report will display new employees and their compliance with this requirement for the course Information Security Awareness (ISO001) which must be completed within the first thirty days of an employee’s start date.

Report Title: PER227 – Kognito

Report Folder: Training Compliance

Description: As part of UCF’s commitment to a safe and welcoming environment, there are several webcourses that new employees are required to take. This report will display new employees and their compliance with this requirement for the course Kognito at-risk for Faculty & Staff (PER227) which must be completed within the first thirty days of an employee’s start date.

Report Title: SR100W – FERPA

Report Folder: Training Compliance

Description: As part of UCF’s commitment to a safe and welcoming environment, there are several webcourses that new employees are required to take. This report will display new employees and their compliance with this requirement for the course FERPA training (SR100W) which must be completed within the first seven days of an employee’s start date.

Report Title: UA1006 – Fraud Awareness

Report Folder: Training Compliance

Description: As part of UCF’s commitment to a safe and welcoming environment, there are several webcourses that new employees are required to take. This report will display new employees and their compliance with this requirement for the course Fraud Awareness Training (UA1006) which must be completed within the first seven days of an employee’s start date.

Report Title: UCFACT – Discrimination Prevention

Report Folder: Training Compliance

Description: As part of UCF’s commitment to a safe and welcoming environment, there are several webcourses that new employees are required to take. This report will display new employees and their compliance with this requirement for the course UCF Actions to Prevent and Correct Discrimination (UCFACT) which must be completed within the first seven days of an employee’s start date.