Open Door Policy/Grievances
Open Door Policy
The university promotes and encourages an open door policy as an option to voice and address employee concerns informally within any given unit, department, or college across campus. “Open Door” means that each and every one of UCF’s management (i.e. supervisors, managers, directors, chairs, deans and other UCF executives) are available to guide and counsel you, but more important, to listen to your concerns and recommendations in order to effectively and promptly resolve them.
Employees are encouraged to communicate concerns and recommendations immediately to their supervisor. If you are unable to speak with your supervisor it is recommended that you pursue the open door policy by speaking with the next level of management through the chain of command within your work unit/department/college. Should it be necessary for you to speak to someone else, all members of management within your division can be considered as well as the following university offices; Ombuds Office or Employee Relations.
These offices are able to provide guidance and options in addressing your concerns as well as provide you with information regarding university offices and resources that may be able to assist.
The open door policy allows your department leadership to address your concerns. Should you need to pursue a formal level of filing a grievance, please refer to the following: