Classification & Compensation is dedicated to maintaining a compensation program focused on attracting, retaining, and rewarding a highly qualified and diverse workforce to serve students, faculty, and staff.
The role of the Compensation section at UCF is to:
- Develop and maintain the UCF compensation strategy in compliance with external regulations;
- Develop and monitor competitive compensation and classification structures;
- Make salary recommendations for compensation actions for A&P and USPS (staff) positions;
- Assist hiring managers and college/division/department administration in making pay and classification decisions and compensation planning.
Additionally, the Compensation section:
- Implements university wide salary increases;
- Processes and approves compensation actions via the ePAF system;
- Manages position data in the PeopleSoft system;
- Maintains A&P and USPS (staff) position descriptions;
- Oversees various other functions within the scope of setting classifications and salaries at the University.
Please excuse our mess!
Due to the launch of Knight Vision, including the Workday system implementation and Service Enhancement Transformation (SET), UCF HR is currently in the process of reorganizing our website.
As of July 1, 2022 many of our employee forms are now accessible in Workday Help, and we encourage you to go to Workday first and utilize its search function to find the most up-to-date information. We ask for your patience as we update our website and encourage you to reach out to kNEXT for help navigating at 407-823-NEXT or by visiting